Uncovering Secrets, 2000 Years in the Making.
There are over 100 unrestored synagogues in Israel, 90% of which have yet to be researched by archaeologists. These are holy places that once held communities, elevated spirits and united peoples but now, sadly, many are near ruin.
Our ancient synagogue restoration projects seek to preserve these historical and religious treasures, so that future generations can enjoy it for special celebrations, and feel a link to a shared history.
Our “Adopt-A-Synagogue” program gives you the opportunity to help our restoration efforts and make these sites more accessible to future generations.
Some of Our Synagogue Restoration Projects:

Baram Synagogue
A magnificent structure located near the Lebanese border, revealing a prosperous Jewish community in the 4th–5th centuries.

Korazim Synagogue
A fascinating complex, this site dates back 1,500 years, to the period of the Mishnah and the Talmud.

Beit Alfa Synagogue
Built in the 5th century, with architecture similar to a Byzantine church, with a courtyard, portico, great hall and gallery.

Arbel Synagogue
Inhabited by well-known sages in the Mihna & Talmudic periods, this site was constructed in both the 4th and 6th centuries.