Diving into the Deepest Aspects of Our Past.
An important part of our mission is to spread awareness and education about Israel’s celebrated ancient historical sites and magnificent natural beauty. That’s why we’ve teamed up with DIVE Virtual Tours, to offer guided visual experiences through some of Israel’s most important locales and landmarks.
Each tour is guided by a local expert who takes visitors on a 3-dimensional, fully immersive investigation of the site, while providing interesting historical facts that complete the experience. When you take a virtual tour from the comfort of your home, DIVE has agreed to donate 50% of their revenues to supporting our cause.
With a membership you’ll have access to tours that can be taken solo or with a large group. You can bring families and friends to share a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and to connect with this treasured land, legacy and history.
Our Partnership with DIVE Offers Immersive Tours in These Sites:

The Cenacle
The room of the Last Supper

The Caves of Qumran
The location of the Dead Sea Scrolls and spiritual home of John the Baptist

Masada National Park
The site of the Great Jewish Revolt

The early center of Christianity